How To Effectively Accomplish Change During Autumn And Absolutely Reduce Stress

gratitude autumn reduce stress

Trying to accomplish change and reduce stress seems impossible. Change itself brings on stress, so how can change minimize stress? I thought that, too, until I started practicing mindfulness in the Autumn of 2012. Let me explain. Let’s go back to the 1980s when I snapped this picture while living in an unassuming community in…

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An Expert Life Coach Shares Successful Ways to Change Perspective

change perspective

Many of us are negatively bothered by the small annoyances in life. Expert life coach Chris Shea shares his successful way to change perspective and live happier. It’s usually not the big things that affect us as much as the accumulation of these daily small annoyances. We find ourselves lashing out in anger or snapping…

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How To Change My Perspective And Be Happy

change perspective

Over the years I’ve come to the realization that my perspective is a point of life we don’t think of. Yet, perspective influences and dictates how I feel and act. It’s all about my perspective! I feel that we are challenged to understand that the way we view or perceive the world around us is…

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Time May Change But Live in the Moment

time change

Many of us in the United States turned back the hands of time early this morning.  We have ended the period of Daylight Savings Time and are now on “normal”, called “standard” time.  Our ability to change time prompts a few questions for me, some mundane and some a bit more philosophical.  But, to stay…

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5 Tips on How Mindfulness Will Change Your Life

mindfulness goal

 “Hey, did you see that?” “No, I missed it. What was it?” Does this conversation sound familiar? It sure does to me. My days were so busy and hectic that I had no time to care to notice something other than the task hand. At the end of each day I wondered where the day…

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autumn: learning from change

fall, autumn, life, journey, reflect, meditate, season, spirituality, God, Christ, Jesus, wonder, why, ponder, stress, anxiety

For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.  Ecclesiastes 3:1 Fall scene in MA (credit: Blog author) Way back in the 1980’s I took this photo while I lived in a small town in western Massachusetts.  Most people I know tend to get excited, perk up, prepare for, and…

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Rest Stop (Sunday) … coping with the time change

life journey meditation reflection time spirituality God Christian stress anxiety joy peace serenity

Last night, many of us in the United States turned the hands of time ahead one hour as we are entering the period identified as Daylight Savings Time.  Our ability to change time prompts a few questions for me, some mundane and some a bit more philosophical.  But, to stay grounded I will refrain, for this…

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Self-Care Why Do We Struggle With It?


I often speak and write about the significance of self-care in maintaining our overall well-being and achieving success in various aspects of life. However, despite this awareness, many of us don’t find the additional time to prioritize self-care, so it remains a challenging task. Keep reading to find out why self-care is a struggle and…

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