Chris’ Conference & Keynote Presentations

To book Chris as a conference or corporate speaker, please email our office at or call 240-587-7854.
Previous speaking engagements:
"Strength in Unity: Building Resilience and Well-being”. FBI’s Alcohol and Substance Abuse Annual Program. Keynote Speaker. Washington, DC. April
"Reframing the Resistant Client - ask the Why question". 10th Annual SWELL Conference. Ocean City, MD. April
"The Effective Use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with Substance Use Clients". 10th Annual CHEP Addictions Conference. Belcamp, MD. Oct
“The Effective Use of CBT With Substance Use Clients”. NAADAC Conference for addiction professionals. Indianapolis, IN. Oct
“The Effective Use of CBT With Substance Use Clients”. SWELL Conference for social workers. Ocean City, MD. April
"Coping with Daily Stress of Education". KEYTA Teachers Association of PA. Online. Feb
"Improving Our Ability to Care for Others". Corporate talk to Mosiac Group's staff retreat. Arundel Mills, MD. June
“Improving our ability to care for others - Healthy coping skills for secondary trauma”. SWELL Conference for social workers. Ocean City, MD. April
"Treating the Relapse Process Using Mindfulness" -- National Association of Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counselors; educational webinar. Online
"Caregiver Support" -- staff training. Norfolk, VA
“Treatment of the Relapse Process using Mindfulness and Meditation as Viable Techniques" -- National Association of Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counselors; annual national conference. Bethesda, MD
"I’m a Supervisor but Who Am I Really: a Psycho-Spiritual Approach to Supervision as a Tool to Assist the Supervisor" -- National Association of Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counselors; annual conference. Seattle, WA.
"A Holistic Approach to Coping with Professional Stress Reactions in Addiction Professionals" -- Evergreen Council on Problem Gambling: Focus on the Future. Vancouver, WA.
"A Holistic Approach to Coping with Professional Stress Reactions in Addiction Professionals" -- NAADAC Annual Conference: Connecting the Profession: Building a Healthier Future. Atlanta, GA.
“Paradigm Shift: healthy strategies for dealing with industrial change” – Mid-Atlantic Behavior Health Conference: Ideas in Action. Annapolis, MD.
“Federal Confidentiality & HIE Implementation” – Sequest National TIER Exchange conference. Chicago, IL.
“Co-occurring Disorders: the chicken or the egg?” – a live national webinar sponsored by the National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children.
“Relapse: the domino effect” -- Johns Hopkins Hospital staff presentation; Baltimore, MD.
“A Supervisor: but who am I really?” -- Alcohol & Substance Abuse Summit; Bismarck, ND.
“Supervision Success: but who’s supervising who?” -- Alcohol & Substance Abuse Summit: Prevention, Treatment and Recovery: Understanding Challenges and Celebrating Successes; Mandan, ND.
“Advances in Clinical Care for Patients with Alcohol Dependence” – Neuroscience CME TV, live satellite broadcast. Co-presenter: Dr. Michael Carlton, MD & Dr. Rob Conley, MD. Live from studios in Washington, DC. Produced: CME Outfitters, LLC.
“Improving the Continuum of Care in Alcohol Dependence: Latest Evidence for Counselors & Clinicians” -- Grand Rounds Series, sponsored by CME Outfitters, LLC. Co-presenter: Dr. Rob Conley, MD. (Eli Lilly & Co.). Glass Substance Abuse Programs; Baltimore, MD.
“Improving the Continuum of Care in Alcohol Dependence: Latest Evidence for Counselors & Clinicians” -- Grand Rounds Series, sponsored by CME Outfitters, LLC. Co-presenter: Dr. Mark Publicker, MD. Mercy Recovery Center; Westbrook, ME.
“Improving the Continuum of Care in Alcohol Dependence: Latest Evidence for Counselors & Clinicians” -- Grand Rounds Series, sponsored by CME Outfitters, LLC. Co-presenter: Dr. Kyle Kampman, MD. (University of PA). Trattoria Dopo Teatro; New York, NY.
“Panel Discussion on Substance Abuse” -- Department of Family Studies & Community Development; Towson University, Towson, MD.
“Improving the Continuum of Care in Alcohol Dependence: Latest Evidence for Counselors & Clinicians” -- Grand Rounds Series, sponsored by CME Outfitters, LLC. Co-presenter: Dr. Rob Conley, MD. (Eli Lilly & Co.). Martin’s West; Baltimore, MD.
“Spirituality, Twelve Steps & Integrated Treatment” -- Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ.
“Addiction: an overview for insight and ministry” -- Fall Workshop for seminarians; St. Mary’s Seminary & University; Baltimore, MD.
“In-patient Addictions Treatment: a conceptual overview” – Summer Institute of Alcohol & Drug Studies; Catholic University of America School of Social Service, held in Columbia, MD.
“Utilizing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for those in Early Recovery” -- Delaware EAPA, DuPont, Wilmington, DE.
“Case Studies in Addiction Counseling” – National Conference on Addictions sponsored by Fr. Martin’s Ashley. Baltimore MD.
“CBT Techniques for Relapse Prevention” – Sobriety Enrichment Program, Fr. Martin’s Ashley, Havre de Grace, MD.
"training of clinical staff of Homecomings, Bel Air, MD. “Crisis Counseling Skills”.
"on-going training of clinical staff of Helping Up Mission on the skills of CBT as it relates to substance abuse"
“Impact of Addiction Counseling on Prison Security Staff” - Security officers Dismas House of Baltimore. Approved for 6 clock hours by Maryland Police & Correctional Training Academy
“Introduction to Addiction Counseling” - Clinical Staff Dismas House of Baltimore. Approved for 6 clock hours by Maryland Police & Correctional Training Academy
“Impact of Addiction Counseling on Prison Security Staff” - Security officers Dismas House of Baltimore. Approved for 6 clock hours by Maryland Police & Correctional Training Academy
“Introduction to Addiction Counseling” - Clinical Staff Dismas House of Baltimore. Approved for 6 clock hours by Maryland Police & Correctional Training Academy
“Ministry to Those Suffering” - Adult Education St. Joseph Cupertino Friary, Ellicott City, MD. Approved by the Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore for 2 CEU’s
“12 Step Spirituality” - Adult Education St. Joseph Cupertino Friary, Ellicott City, MD. Approved by the Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore for 2 CEU’s