How Friendship and Deep Connections Lead to a Life of Joy

How do you define friendship? What about joy? You undoubtedly have people in your life who qualify more as acquaintances than true friends. We all do. These people are important and provide value in some way, but they are not the first people we think about when considering the deep friendships we have made. If you’re having trouble finding joy in life, check out a previous article of mine, here.


So what is a friendship? Friendship is a relationship between people where they like and trust each other. In a friendship, people enjoy being together, sharing experiences, and helping each other with their emotions. It’s more than just knowing each other and involves a deeper connection and understanding. They are important because they give us company, support, and a feeling of fitting in.

Whether they are our friends, family members, or intimate partners, the connections we form with others are essential to our overall well-being and happiness. It is through these friendships and deep connections that we find the most fulfillment and experience true joy in life.


Friendship plays a pivotal role in our pursuit of true joy and inner peace. It is through these meaningful connections that we experience some of life’s most profound and fulfilling moments. Here are a few key ways in which friendship contributes to finding true joy:

  1. Emotional Support: Friends provide a support system during both good and challenging times. Knowing that someone is there to listen and understand can significantly alleviate stress and enhance overall happiness.
  2. Shared Experiences: Engaging in activities and celebrating milestones with friends creates lasting memories and enriches our lives. These shared experiences often become cherished moments of joy.
  3. Personal Growth: Friends challenge us to grow, both personally and professionally. They offer new perspectives, constructive criticism, and encouragement, which can lead to self-improvement and greater satisfaction in life.
  4. Sense of Belonging: Being part of a close-knit group of friends fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance. This can lead to increased self-esteem and a deeper sense of inner peace.
  5. Laughter and Fun: Friends often bring humor and light-heartedness into our lives. Laughter is a powerful tool for reducing stress and boosting mood, contributing to a joyful and balanced life.

In essence, friendship enrich our lives by providing emotional support, shared experiences, opportunities for growth, a sense of belonging, and moments of joy and laughter. These elements are fundamental in our journey towards true joy and inner peace.

Tips to Foster Friendship

In today’s modern era of technology, we gather “friends” on social media in quantities never before imagined! Yet we seem to be more lonely and disconnected at the same time. How can this be? I figure it’s because those “friends” on social media don’t fit the definition of friendship we stated earlier. Online virtual friendships differ from friendships with physical people outside of a screen. And it’s this difference which either leads us to joy or not.

Here are some tips for fostering deeper, more meaningful connections with the friendships that matter most to you.

Be the One Who Reaches out First

Instead of waiting for someone to contact you, reach out to them. Don’t be the person that says, “You never call!”

Reaching out can be a powerful way to strengthen your relationships. By taking the initiative to connect with important people in your life, you deepen your bond and create opportunities for meaningful conversations.

It doesn’t need to be in person. Your cell phone, equipped with text messaging and video communication capabilities, is always within reach. Leverage this technology to connect with anyone around the globe.

Listen Actively

Are you genuinely listening when you communicate with others? Next time you engage with a loved one, friend, or significant other, attempt to connect emotionally with their words. Observe their non-verbal cues to grasp the full meaning of their message. Show your attentiveness by asking thoughtful questions and reiterating key points they share to convey that they truly matter to you.

Reminisce about Wonderful Memories

Remind people of the wonderful moments you’ve shared and express gratitude for the happiness they bring to your life. By sharing joyful memories and showing appreciation, you can strengthen your connection and remind loved ones of their significance in your journey.

Meaningful relationships cause effort and dedication. Developing strong relationships with others requires active communication, understanding, compromise, and consistent support. Through this ongoing work, bonds become stronger, trust deepens, and relationships truly flourish.

In essence, cultivating and maintaining deep friendships and connections can profoundly impact our joy and overall quality of life. As a life and business coach, I encourage you to invest time and energy into building and nurturing these relationships. The rewards are immense and far-reaching, contributing to a more fulfilling and joyful life.

Boost Happiness and Well-Being with Daily Routines


Happiness is not universal; it varies from person to person. Our unique life experiences, values, and other factors shape our definitions of happiness.

A variety of factors influences our individual definitions of happiness, including our personal life experiences, values, and other unique aspects of our lives. These factors play a significant role in shaping our understanding and perception of what brings us joy and fulfillment. 

Our life experiences, whether positive or negative, contribute to our understanding of happiness and inform our preferences and desires. Each person’s journey is distinct, and as a result, our understanding of happiness is deeply personal and subjective. It is through the interplay of these various factors that we develop our unique perspectives on what it means to be happy. 

Regardless of the personal definition, everyone wants to be happy. Who wouldn’t prefer joy and contentment over stress and a frustrating lack of fulfillment? Here are a few routines you can practice daily to boost your emotional wellness and give you more joy. 

Love Yourself Because You Deserve It 

Practice self-care. Take care of yourself. Develop daily routines that make you appreciate who you are. Smile when you look in the mirror. You are the only person exactly like you that will ever exist, and that’s something to appreciate. Start embracing daily self-love practices to celebrate the unique and wonderful person you are. 

Exercise for 10 Minutes 

An intense 10-minute exercise session can boost your mental and physical well-being in several ways. Devote 10 minutes in the morning to physical activity with moderate to vigorous intensity. Do the same thing in the evening. You will benefit from less stress and more positive emotions because of the cocktail of feel-good hormones and chemicals that exercise produces. 

Discover Your Happiness Cheat Codes

Some video games have cheat codes that help you succeed. If you can’t get past a particular level, you enter the cheat code and are victorious. You have cheat codes of happiness in your life. To discover them, record your daily experiences. 

Write them down in a small notebook or on your phone. Record any event that provides you with emotions like joy and contentment. Then, turn to those experiences in the future for a reliable dose of happiness. 

Start Each Day with Intention 

Starting the day with intention contributes significantly to greater happiness and fulfillment. When you begin your day with purpose and clear objectives, you set a positive tone for the hours ahead. Whether setting meaningful goals, expressing gratitude, or simply visualizing a successful and harmonious day, this intentional approach helps you focus on what truly matters. It allows you to make conscious choices that align with your values and aspirations, ultimately leading to a more purposeful and satisfying life.  

Practicing these emotional well-being boosters every day can lead to a significant increase in happiness and contentment. By incorporating these simple yet effective strategies into your daily routine, you are actively taking steps towards enhancing your emotional well-being and experiencing a greater sense of fulfillment and happiness in life. So why wait? Start implementing these practices today and unlock a happier, more fulfilling life filled with happiness.

We can help guide you in finding a daily pattern of happiness through life coaching. Call the office 240-587-7854 or email us:

Your Inner Peace Path: Essential Practices for a Calmer Mind

inner peace

inner peace

Inner peace, a state of serenity and calm, can be achieved through practices such as mindfulness meditation and loving-kindness meditation, which focus the mind on the present and foster feelings of love and kindness towards oneself and others. Regular physical activity, including yoga or tai chi, not only enhances mood but also contributes significantly to this tranquil state by reducing stress and increasing self-awareness.

On the journey towards achieving inner peace, one must also consider the importance of a regular sleep schedule, the nurturing of strong social connections, and the practice of gratitude, all of which play a crucial role in cultivating happiness and a sense of calm. Engaging in activities that bring joy, alongside effective time management and seeking professional help when necessary, are essential steps in navigating the path to inner peace.

Understanding Inner Peace

The Nature and Importance of Inner Peace

Inner peace is fundamentally a state where emotional and mental serenity prevails, free from disturbing thoughts, allowing individuals to control their moods and reactions effectively. It transcends mere passivity or indifference; it is an active state of profound presence and engagement with life’s challenges. This state is not exclusive to those dedicated to spiritual or religious practices; it is accessible to anyone, regardless of their lifestyle or occupation.

Misconceptions and Realities

There is a common misconception that inner peace involves disengagement from the world and ignoring personal or external issues. Contrarily, true inner peace involves a deep engagement with the world, maintaining a balance that fosters internal harmony and stability. It is about embracing life’s experiences, acknowledging and addressing suffering, not through indifference but through a mindful and balanced approach.

Inner Peace as a Tool for Life

Achieving inner peace allows individuals to cope with any event or situation, aiding in managing anxieties and fears healthily. It enhances focus, patience, tolerance, and the quality of sleep, and it significantly improves relationships and overall happiness. Techniques such as Transcendental Meditation, mindfulness, and other forms of mental and physical training like yoga and tai chi have been shown to foster this peace.

Benefits Beyond Calm

The pursuit of inner peace offers extensive benefits; it improves physical and mental health, increases emotional intelligence, and enhances one’s ability to enjoy life and maintain energy. It equips individuals with the tools to handle stress healthily and appreciate the present moment, fostering a sense of contentment and well-being that transcends ordinary happiness and situational joys.

Strategies for Achieving Inner Peace

Daily Practices for Cultivating Inner Peace

Mindfulness and Meditation Techniques

  1. Begin with a daily meditation routine, setting aside 10-20 minutes to focus on your breath or a specific mantra.
  2. Incorporate mindfulness throughout your day by engaging in activities like mindful eating, walking, or journaling to enhance present-moment awareness.
  3. Explore various forms of meditation such as guided, mantra, or loving-kindness to find what best suits your needs.
  4. Practice body scan meditation to release tension and notice bodily sensations from head to toe.

Physical and Mental Health

  1. Engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity most days, choosing enjoyable activities like yoga or cycling.
  2. Ensure a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins while limiting processed foods and sugar.
  3. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night and try to maintain a consistent sleep schedule.
  4. Regular practice of the 4-7-8 breathing technique can help manage stress and induce relaxation.

Social and Emotional Well-being

  1. Spend quality time with friends and family or connect with community groups that share your interests.
  2. Practice gratitude daily by reflecting on what you are thankful for or maintaining a gratitude journal.
  3. Engage in self-compassion by treating yourself with kindness and understanding, especially during challenging times.
  4. Commit to regular self-reflection to gain deeper insights into your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Environmental and Lifestyle Adjustments

  1. Reduce exposure to stressors by setting boundaries with stressful relationships and limiting social media use.
  2. Surround yourself with nature and elements like plants and water sounds to create a calming environment.
  3. Participate in creative activities to keep your mind engaged and express your artistic side.
  4. Practice random acts of kindness to cultivate happiness and a deeper sense of community.

These strategies, when consistently applied, can help individuals navigate their journey towards inner peace, enhancing overall well-being and happiness.

Overcoming Obstacles to Inner Peace

Internal Challenges

1. Emotional and Mental Barriers

Unresolved inner emotions such as anger, jealousy, and high self-created pressure can significantly obstruct the path to inner peace. These emotions often stem from past experiences or unrealistic expectations we set for ourselves and others. Addressing these feelings through professional help or mindfulness practices can lead to better emotional management and inner calm.

2. Psychological Factors

The need for others’ approval, fears about the future, and perfectionist tendencies are common internal factors that disrupt inner peace. These issues can lead to a constant state of dissatisfaction and anxiety, making it difficult to achieve a serene mindset.

External Challenges

1. Societal Pressures

External factors such as a fixed mindset or rigid opinions can also pose significant barriers to achieving inner peace. These often manifest as a resistance to new ideas or an inability to adapt to change, which can create internal conflict and stress.

2. Overcoming Mindfulness Challenges

To effectively overcome challenges related to mindfulness, it is crucial to start with shorter meditation sessions and gradually increase their duration. Patience, practice, and adapting techniques to fit personal needs help in building a sustainable practice. Gently redirecting attention during meditation and exploring any resistance to mindfulness can also enhance the practice.

Strategies to Overcome Obstacles

1. Non-Attachment and Reduction of Over-Caring

Practicing non-attachment and reducing the intensity of care can help manage over-caring, which is often linked to anxiety and anger management issues. By focusing less on controlling every outcome, individuals can experience a significant reduction in stress and an increase in peace.

2. Addressing Fear and Global Concerns

Fears related to global issues like nuclear war or ethical concerns such as harming living beings need to be acknowledged but also put into perspective. Focusing on actionable steps at an individual level can reduce feelings of helplessness and promote a more peaceful state of mind.

By understanding and addressing these internal and external factors, individuals can make significant strides towards achieving and maintaining inner peace, enhancing their overall well-being and happiness.


Embarking on the journey towards inner peace involves embracing practices like mindfulness meditation, loving-kindness meditation, and incorporating physical activity into daily routines. These strategies not only fortify mental and emotional well-being but also enhance one’s ability to navigate life’s challenges with grace and resilience. The transformative power of these practices lies in their ability to foster profound presence, increase self-awareness, and cultivate a state of serenity that strengthens one’s resolve against external pressures and internal turmoil. By consistently applying these methods, individuals genuinely embark on a path that leads to increased contentment, better relationships, and an overall sense of happiness in life.

The pursuit of inner peace is a dynamic journey that benefits immensely from guidance and support. As individuals navigate the complexities of achieving this tranquil state, it becomes essential to recognize when to seek professional assistance.

To further this endeavor, reaching out for expert advice can significantly enhance one’s journey. Call our office ‪(240-587-7854‬) so we can help guide you along your path of inner peace. By embracing the techniques outlined and considering the implications of inner peace on physical and mental health, individuals can unlock a profound sense of well-being that permeates every aspect of life, thus actualizing their highest potential for peace and happiness.

How To Create A News Consumption Strategy For Mental Peace (version 2)


The Francis Scott Key Bridge Tragedy

Tragedies are an unfortunate part of human life. They have happened since humankind can remember. The difference today versus years ago is the proliferation of global data and awareness of every event everywhere in the world. Are our emotions even capable of coping with the volume of tragedies happening around the globe? Are we over loading our senses with too much tragedy?

Yesterday, March 26, 2024, a bridge spanning the Patapsco River in Baltimore City Maryland, USA collapsed after being struck by a disabled cargo vessel. The bridge, known as the Francis Scott Key Bridge, completely fell into the frigid water, taking with it a group of construction workers filling potholes on the roadway.

I mention this particular tragedy, one of many which occured on March 26 worldwide, since I spent 20 years of my adult life living in the Baltimore metro area. I’ve driven across the bridge, flown over the bridge, and even sailed under it. Those experiences don’t make me unique or special as many people can say the same. But for me, and many of those with similar experiences, this tragedy is not just a news story.

In 2022, ironically in March, I published an article entitled: “How To Create A News Consumption Strategy For Mental Peace”. In light of the Francis Scott Key Bridge tragedy I am reposting that article from 2022 below. If you’re so inclined, also check out my article “Being Hopeful For Mental Peace: Is it possible in Times of Crisis?“.

Inner peace and contentment are possible, no matter what happens in the world around us. Of course, we can’t control everything that goes on, but we can control our own reactions and how we let the news affect us.

Now more than ever, you need to stay informed about what is happening in the world. The news never stops, so you might be exposed to it constantly, whether you are watching a 24-hour news channel, receiving notifications on your phone, or scrolling through Twitter.

When you click on a shocking headline, there is always something new and scary to increase your anxiety, ramp up your stress, and inflame your anger. The toll the constant barrage of news updates has on your mental health is significant.

It is essential to stay informed, but don’t let the news consume us. Instead, find ways to stay positive and focus on the good things in our lives. For example, strengthen our relationships with the people we care about, do things we enjoy, and be kind to others.

news comsumption strategy, world map, tragedy

We can’t change the world, but we can make a difference in our own corner of it. When reading a news article, take time to recall the information you just read. Write a note about what you just learned and how it is relevant to your daily life.

Yes, it is possible to have inner peace and contentment

To have inner peace and contentment, developing a personal news consumption strategy is vital. Here are a few tips to help get started:

1. Determine what is important to you and focus on the news that matters most.

2. Limit the amount of news you consume each day.

3. Be selective about the sources you rely on.

4. Take some time to reflect on the news you’ve consumed.

5. Be mindful of how the news affects your mood and emotions.

6. Make time for yourself each day, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

Developing a personal news consumption strategy can be challenging, but it’s worth it in the end. Here are some tips for developing a personal news consumption strategy:

1. Decide what news sources you want to rely on and stick to them. This will help you develop a sense of trust in the information you’re getting and make it easier to verify the accuracy of stories.

2. Set aside time each day to read/watch the news. This will help you stay informed without feeling pulled in every direction and allow you to focus on individual stories.

3. Balance your news consumption with other activities. This will help you stay informed without feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

4. Take breaks from the news. This will help you avoid getting stuck in a news cycle and allow you to come back to stories with a fresh viewpoint.

Figuring out your primary sources for news is the first step in creating a personal news consumption strategy. Once you know where to find the news you’re interested in, you can start to think about how much time you want to spend on it each day. It’s essential to be realistic about how much time you have and set boundaries.

You don’t have to consume the news in the same way everyone else does. Instead, you can develop your own strategy that works for you and helps you stay informed without feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

The goal of developing a personal news consumption strategy is to identify the most important topics to you and find the most reliable sources of information for those topics. Remember that not all sources of information are created equal. Some sources are biased, while others are simply inaccurate. Therefore, it is vital to find sources that you can trust to make informed decisions about the issues that are important to you.

Constant news exposure can have adverse effects on our mental health – it’s crucial to find a balance between staying informed and healthy. Make sure to take breaks from the news, and don’t forget to take care of yourself!

If you wish to speak with me regarding stress or anxiety from the news, contact my office at (240) 587-7854‬, click here to book a session.

Being Hopeful For Mental Peace: Is it possible in Times of Crisis?

mental peace times of crisis

How to CARE and COPE at the same time?

Mental peace is something that everyone wants. Unfortunately, it seems that we don’t always get it. In times of crisis, we tend to become anxious or depressed. What can we do to achieve mental peace?

Optimism is what I strive for in life. However, I think I end somewhere in the middle between optimism and pessimism. This middle space I call “realism”. Overall, I’m basically fine with being a realist because it keeps me grounded. The problem with being a realist, though, is that there is little space left for making changes to the events in the universe as the realist deals only with the given reality; he can’t deal with any other reality.

Optimists see potential to change things for the better, while the realist simply sees what is.

As I write this my area of the world is concerned with the effects of the coronavirus, rising inflation, supply chain issues, and record-high gas prices. Of course, most of the world’s general attention is focused on Russia and Ukraine. How that conflict will ultimately affect the rest of the world is only an educated guess. Hence our lack of mental peace as we struggle through these times of crisis.

The more I hear and read the news, the stronger is my desire to escape from it all! But there’s nowhere to go! In a previous article, I wrote about how to work on a healthy news consumption strategy, that’s a start for obtaining mental peace. Wanting to escape from these times of crisis is the realist in me talking. My sense of realism has no regard for coping with or changing my current reality, only in fleeing from the crisis so as not to have to deal with it at all.

As I continue to feel the need to flee these times of crisis, the realist in me leans more toward the pessimist as I realize, deep inside of my thoughts, that there is no escape. There is nowhere for me to physically flee, and the more I feel trapped the more anxious and stressed I become. Amidst the barrage of news and opinions, my inner struggle spirals the more I hear of despair, economic worries, and violence in our world.

The optimist in me wants to join the inner thoughts and conversation with my inner-realist. (As I previously said, I do try my best to be an optimist.) But even if the realist allows such a dialogue, what might it sound like? In light of the tensions in the world, what can my inner-optimist say without sounding either naive or like a quote from a greeting card?

How can we be realistic AND optimistic?

The optimist views the world from the mindset that every challenge can be overcome, and believes mental peace and joy always prevail, even in times of crisis. Optimism motivates us to strive to overcome even if we can’t imagine a positive outcome. Deep within our thoughts we know, without a doubt, that without at least trying, a future full of hope will never be realized.

The joint inner dialog of the optimist with the realist must take into account the difficult realities we face while avoiding naive “answers.” What we need is hope fulfilled through practical, effective action.

My inner optimist, in its desire to make a change instead of fleeing, reminds me to turn to my spiritual life. And I suggest the same for you, the reader. It doesn’t matter the nature of your religion, or the lack thereof, but what does make a mental peace shift is the knowledge and belief of something/someone greater than myself. “Religion and belief are now seen by many researchers and clinicians as an important way to cope with trauma and distress thanks to research over the last three decades.” (Source:

A Spiritual Viewpoint

That research identified positive and negative forms of religious coping as well as evidence that how people experience and express their faith has implications for their well-being and health. “People who made more use of positive religious coping methods had better outcomes than those who struggled with God, their faith, or other people about sacred matters” ( Dr. Kenneth Pargament, Ph.D., professor emeritus of psychology at Bowling Green State University)

In a compilation book of reflections written for the 9/11 attacks in the USA titled “Franciscan Voices on 9/11”, we find this quote which I use to this day:

“In despair, we give up on our relationship with God. Doubt, on the other hand, is a sign that our faith is alive and kicking; it is part of the rhythm of faith itself. Lament is not a failure of faith, but an act of faith. We cry out directly to God because deep down we know our relationship with God counts; it counts to us and it counts to God. Even if we do not experience the closeness, we believe God does care. Even if God seems not to hear, we believe God is always within shouting distance. In the Scriptures, God does not say, “Do not fear, I will take away all the pain and struggle.” Rather, we hear, “You have no need to fear since I am with you””

7 ways to help face times of crisis in the world as both an optimist AND a realist

1. Remember, you’re not alone.

The daunting task of coping with times of crisis is not ours to struggle with alone. Seek out others who feel the same as you and, instead of complaining or despairing, work together on practical local solutions to the crisis.

2. Know that you are not a victim.

A victim is a person who suffers as a result of events happening to them that they can’t control. You may say that according to that definition we are victims of what’s happening in the world. But, if we change our perspective on how we define “world”, not meaning the entire globe, rather, defining my world as consisting of my local community, we can create reasonable expectations. Creating reasonable expectations allows us to actually do something to affect change locally. For example, it is unreasonable to make our personal goal that of world peace. However, creating a peaceful home, work, or local community is a reasonable personal goal.

3. Empower yourself and others.

Educate yourself about the struggles we’re facing (from multiple sources and points of view) and solutions tried in the past. Learn what worked in the past and what didn’t work. Figure out why it didn’t work and what you can do differently now to make positive change more likely. Seek out and obtain the resources needed to carry out your goal.

Our ability to work with others to find a solution to shared problems removes the label of “victim,” replacing it with “survivor.” Although we need to educate ourselves about the issues, it’s also important to keep a balance, allowing for some news-free periods.

4. Reclaim your power.

Once we realize that we are not powerless, our desire to implement change brings about renewed strength and optimism. Recognize the power and strength that you individually have, and that we as a group have, and find creative ways of using your power for the common good.

Do not let the power itself take over. Even if we feel invincible, in reality, we won’t always make the proper decisions. Learning from our mistakes is a sign of strength, for the knowledge gained from the mistake will help you to avoid that, or similar mistakes, in the future.

5. Focus your effort and your energy.

As I previously mentioned, our power and abilities are limited, so wisely focus your time and energy on those tasks which can be completed, and not on tasks you know are impossible for you to complete. No one person, or one group, can do everything.

6. Show empathy for others.

As we learn about the issues affecting our world, we begin to realize that many of our problems originate with people not understanding each other. We tend to view the world from our own perspective and only validate our own history, failing to recognize that those with whom we may disagree also view their world from their perspective and history.

Finding solutions to problems presupposes that all parties agree on the nature of the problem. Empathy, placing ourselves in the shoes of another, provides us a deeper understanding of the concerns of others. By viewing the world through their perspective, we become better informed and thereby better prepared to find and carry out real solutions. Empathy does not mean agreeing with another’s opinion. It simply means you see their perspective as they view it.

7. Don’t forget self-care.

The realist in me recognizes that to accomplish all of this, I will end up draining and wearing myself out. But in the union of the realist with the optimist, I recognize the need for self-care. Take time for yourself; keep up bonds with your family and friends; find activities or hobbies which do not relate to the work at hand; spend time in meditation and quiet to focus yourself.

Obviously, I do not propose these steps as absolute solutions to the current times of crisis of the world. But I do offer them as guides to keep us grounded in reality and keep us hopeful and passionate enough to experience mental peace make a lasting difference.

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How To Create A News Consumption Strategy For Mental Peace

news consumption

Inner peace and contentment are possible, no matter what happens in the world around us. Of course, we can’t control everything that goes on, but we can control our own reactions and how we let the news affect us.

Now more than ever, you need to stay informed about what is happening in the world. The news never stops, so you might be exposed to it constantly, whether you are watching a 24-hour news channel, receiving notifications on your phone, or scrolling through Twitter.

When you click on a shocking headline, there is always something new and scary to increase your anxiety, ramp up your stress, and inflame your anger. The toll the constant barrage of news updates has on your mental health is significant.

It is essential to stay informed, but don’t let the news consume us. Instead, find ways to stay positive and focus on the good things in our lives. For example, strengthen our relationships with the people we care about, do things we enjoy, and be kind to others.

We can’t change the world, but we can make a difference in our own corner of it. When reading a news article, take time to recall the information you just read. Write a note about what you just learned and how it is relevant to your daily life.


Yes, it is possible to have inner peace and contentment


To have inner peace and contentment, developing a personal news consumption strategy is vital. Here are a few tips to help get started:

1. Determine what is important to you and focus on the news that matters most.

2. Limit the amount of news you consume each day.

3. Be selective about the sources you rely on.

4. Take some time to reflect on the news you’ve consumed.

5. Be mindful of how the news affects your mood and emotions.

6. Make time for yourself each day, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

Developing a personal news consumption strategy can be challenging, but it’s worth it in the end.


Tips for developing a personal news consumption strategy

1. Decide what news sources you want to rely on and stick to them. This will help you develop a sense of trust in the information you’re getting and make it easier to verify the accuracy of stories.

2. Set aside time each day to read/watch the news. This will help you stay informed without feeling pulled in every direction and allow you to focus on individual stories.

3. Balance your news consumption with other activities. This will help you stay informed without feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

4. Take breaks from the news. This will help you avoid getting stuck in a news cycle and allow you to come back to stories with a fresh viewpoint. 

Figuring out your primary sources for news is the first step in creating a personal news consumption strategy. Once you know where to find the news you’re interested in, you can start to think about how much time you want to spend on it each day. It’s essential to be realistic about how much time you have and set boundaries.


You don’t have to consume the news in the same way everyone else does. Instead, you can develop your own strategy that works for you and helps you stay informed without feeling overwhelmed or stressed.


The goal of developing a personal news consumption strategy is to identify the most important topics to you and find the most reliable sources of information for those topics. Remember that not all sources of information are created equal. Some sources are biased, while others are simply inaccurate. Therefore, it is vital to find sources that you can trust to make informed decisions about the issues that are important to you.  

Constant news exposure can have adverse effects on our mental health – it’s crucial to find a balance between staying informed and healthy. Make sure to take breaks from the news, and don’t forget to take care of yourself! 

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How To Find Peace Of Mind During The Holiday Season

holiday season find peace of mind

There’s no denying that the holidays can be stressful, taking away our peace of mind. Whether it’s family gatherings, shopping for gifts, or planning parties, there are plenty of things to worry about. This article covers the ways that you can find peace of mind during this busy holiday season.

This is the time of the year when I reflect upon my own childhood memories; memories filled with awe and wonder as the child-me viewed the world as a magical place. Unfortunately, this time of the year is also one of increased holiday season stress due to all the activities we feel we need to attend and accomplish. Our wish to make this time of the year “perfect” increases our expectations, many of them unreasonable, causing us to stress and lose peace of mind in our planning efforts.

Childhood Idyllic Perfection

As a child, I fondly recall watching the animated Christmas specials and reading all the Christmas books I could find. Those stories not only have positive endings, but most of them also depict perfection. In these stories families gather and get along with each other, the house is majestically decorated, the dining room table is set to rival the fanciest of restaurants. My favorite American painter, Norman Rockwell, painted scenes of American life; some showing pain and suffering, others idyllic life scenes. Rockwell’s holiday paintings are among my favorite as they depict a fictional world I wish existed, although knowing that a perfect world will never exist.

This longing of mine for an idyllic perfection of the holiday season, unlike the desire and longing of many other people, is part of the cause of our holiday season stress and lack of peace of mind. This view of a perfect holiday season is formed when we tend to focus our attention on the memories of the past, coupled with fictional idealisms of the holiday, producing a desire to re-create what never was, nor most likely ever will be. The holidays, as we perceived them in childhood, cannot now be reproduced through our adult perceptions, nor can we expect to create an experience depicted in the controlled environments of scripts, actors, and a stage.

The issue many of us encounter during the holiday season is one of the unrealistic expectations which creates the holiday season stress that takes away our peace. Trying to re-create a “perfection” that actually never existed means that we will fall short in our attempts. Not achieving our expectations is self interpreted as failure.

Find Peace of Mind Living In The Moment

We have control over our feelings only as experienced in the current moment. We need not lose the experience of what is happening at the moment by living in either the past or the future. Experience the present moment for what it is. As I recall my childhood memories of the holidays, I try to keep them focused in light of my experience of the current moment.

Don’t let an expectation of perfection cloud the beauty and the feelings of the moment. Enjoy the recollection of your memories without doing anything. Instead, live the moment without expectation and you will find that the holiday season stress for perfection will fade.

Tips To Find Peace Of Mind

During this holiday season, here are the steps I encourage you to work on to keep yourself as stress-free as possible:

· Refocus your expectations: Take time to reflect on your expectations, considering what is realistic and what is not realistic. For example, we may want a house decorated as we’ve seen in advertisements, but, no matter how hard we try it never looks as it does in the pictures. If you reframe your expectation and perception, you would recognize that you haven’t failed, actually, you created something unique, something that reflects you, not an ad.

· Change your perception: Changing the way we perceive ourselves will change our perception of our world. Therefore, changing our view of this time of the year will change our expectations and so reduce our stress. For example, if you are hosting family, and the reality is that your uncle always makes a fool of himself at these family gatherings, keep your perspective focused on that reality, not on how you wish he would act. Plan for what you can in expectation of your uncle’s shenanigans, for when your uncle acts as he always acts, don’t let it stress you; he is only doing as expected of him to do (at least he’s consistent).

· Learn from your past: It’s important to spend time reflecting on our past, honoring the memories for what they are, and sharing them with current family and friends. Our past has shaped who we are today. Use the lessons of the past to create a present moment of peace of mind. The purpose of the past is not to be recreated in the present, but to be incorporated with the present. Take what was positive for you in the past and use that in the present. What wasn’t positive for you in the past, modify it now in the present for it to be positive. Our past was not perfect; don’t expect the present to be perfect either.

· Simplify your life: Easier said than done, I know. But if you think about it, our material goods, although useful, can be a source of our stress when our focus emphasizes “things”. Living simply means keeping a proper focus, or perspective, on what is truly important in our life. Keep your expectations and perceptions rooted in who you are, not on who you think you should be.

During this holiday season, take the time to enjoy the wonders, joy, and magic of the season. Keep your perspective and expectations reasonable to reduce your holiday stress. Most importantly, focus on what is truly important to you!

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How To Help Others Find Peace Of Mind While Coping With The Holiday Season Blues

holiday season find peace of mind

“If one were to devise an experimental set of circumstances which would test the integrity of an individual’s mood control, one would invent the year-end holiday season.” Jonathan Himmelhoch (Psychiatrist, Western Psychiatric Institute, and Clinic)

If you are feeling down during the holiday season, there’s no need to worry. There are ways to cope with the holiday blues without having to resort to unhealthy habits. In this article, I’ll give you some helpful tips on how to get through the holiday season and find peace of mind.

Stress Depression and the Holiday Season

The holiday season blues are real, and according to at least one study, about half of us experience the holiday season blues (the survey reached 786 adults, 18 years or older Fall of 2006). But some people can’t find peace of mind so suffer the holiday season blues because they entered the holiday season already feeling sad, depressed, anxious, etc. The seemingly joyous time of the year enhances their depression and anxiety. As a result, many people feel more sad, depressed, anxious during this time than at any other time of the year.

What causes these feelings? Is it something in our genes that makes us susceptible to the holiday season blues? Or is it something we do, like spending too much money on gifts for family and friends? Are there ways to avoid getting into the holiday season blues?

I don’t think there is any other time of the year, which evokes such strong emotions as does this time of the year. For some of us, we are excited, joyous, filled with wonder and anticipation! We visit family and friends, host parties and gatherings, spreading joy everywhere we go! But yet some of us feel quite the opposite this time of the year. I think of those who recently lost a loved one, are suffering from physical or mental health issues, are separated from loved ones, and even estranged from the family. There are those whose past experience of the holidays wasn’t pleasant, and those who feel trapped in life situations.
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” While these song lyrics may be accurate for some, they’re not necessarily right for everyone. I’m not writing this to bring down the mood, but what I am saying is that we need to be mindful of people around us who may be suffering while we celebrate. Some of my current clients are dreading these next few weeks, while other clients are looking forward to a new beginning!

Embrace Peace of Mind to Combat Holiday Season Blues

Regardless of how we feel about the holiday season, this time of the year finds many of us feeling the burden for perfection, and so a lack of peace of mind. As joyous as we may be, the expectations for a “Rockwell Christmas” haunt even the best of us.
While we still have our day-to-day tasks to complete, we must also decorate, buy gifts, and attend social functions. These expectations, especially if we feel obligated, can cause stress and anxiety even in those who enjoy the holiday season. Now imagine the stress and anxiety felt by those who are merely trying to cope with life itself, let alone the added expectation of the season.

How To Help Others Find Peace Of Mind While Coping With The Holiday Season Blues

What can we do to help someone who is suffering from finding peace of mind during this holiday season?

· Create awareness within yourself and your children that not everyone feels joyous this time of the year. This awareness is not meant to place a burden on us but as a recognition of the reality of others.

· Create an environment where all people feel open to honestly sharing their feelings. While attending or planning parties and gatherings don’t encourage everyone to participate. Be respectful of those who are having a difficult time participating. Try to plan activities that would allow a person to participate in the degree to which they feel comfortable.

· Be mindful that your expectations of what makes up a holiday celebration may not be the expectations of others. Allow yourself the flexibility to be open to the traditions of others as well as to how others may be feeling. For example, if you are organizing the family dinner, take into account any family members who have had a challenging year. Allow them space or the time to speak, or not speak, if they wish. Be aware that their showing up may have been a difficult task in and of itself.

· If you know someone struggling with a mental illness, or otherwise emotionally struggling, be a supportive friend. Allow time in your holiday schedule to be present to them, even if words aren’t spoken. Never underestimate the positive effect and healing quality of presence. If possible and appropriate, encourage them to join you at small gatherings and surround them with people who have their best interests at heart. Isolation, especially during the holidays, is not healthy.

· Encourage them to do activities focused on taking care of themselves and their emotional health, regardless of the expectations placed upon them by themselves or others. Help them to understand that It doesn’t make you a selfish person when you prioritize yourself, it is actually essential toward your well-being.

· Take time from the busyness of this season to be an active listener to those who wish to share their feelings. Encouraging and allowing others to share how they feel may be the most helpful thing you can do for them. If they are reluctant to share, lovingly help them by letting them know that you will listen without judgment regardless of what they wish to talk about and share.

During this holiday season, as many of us join together with our families and friends, let’s be grateful and joyous in our traditions and fellowship. But let’s not forget those who are emotionally suffering during the holiday season. Being respectful, understanding, and lovingly present is the best holiday gift a person can receive.

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Find Your Peace On Thanksgiving? Learn How To Find Peace of Mind

find your peace Thanksgiving

“Don’t spoil what you have by desiring what you don’t have; but remember that what you now have was once among the things only hoped for.” —Epicurus

Find your peace on Thanksgiving? Is that even possible given the chaos, all that needs to be done, and family gatherings? Yes, finding your peace is possible. Let’s now learn how to find peace of mind.

Thanksgiving is a holiday begun in 1789 by our first president, George Washington. In Washington’s proclamation, the president stated: “… this is a day of national thanksgiving and prayer.” It’s a day we gather in remembrance and gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon us and, in prayer, to unite with our Creator as the one who bestowed these blessings we now celebrate.

Thanksgiving traditionally begins that time of the year when we celebrate family, joy, peace, and traditions as we head down the road to Christmas Day and later to New Year’s Eve. But, unfortunately, all of the planning and expectations involved tend to take away our peace. This is why it’s so important to figure out how to find your peace and peace of mind.

This festive time leads me to reflect on those special moments I shared as a child. Now, as an adult, I again see that same joy, wonder, and amazement through the eyes of my grandchildren!

Learning to find peace of mind through the chaos is possible by remembering our past (good, bad, or otherwise) and viewing the present through the eyes of children. This perspective returns us to a time when, in our innocence, we had a sense of awe and wonder about our life. To once again ignite in us an already existing yearning to believe in things we may no longer feel as adults.

On Thanksgiving Day, many of us will experience a spirit of joy, peace, and thankfulness. We recall all that we have and cherish those with whom we have gathered. All is right in the world.

To find your peace, it’s necessary to examine your expectations. In many situations, our expectations are unreasonable, not for us, but for those on whom we place the expectation. For example, if we know certain people will act in ways that bother us, expecting them not to do so is an unreasonable expectation to place upon them. Live reality as it is in the moment. In so doing, you’ll find peace of mind.

This Thanksgiving, challenge yourself to have faith in family and your God, foregoing the materialism of the season. Discover how you can spread a sense of wonderment and awe you had as a child. During this holiday season, live in a sense of wonder, joy, and peace. At the moment, be “child-like,” and then you’ll find your peace.

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inner peace: how to have it when life feels devastating

inner peace happiness

Inner peace can be difficult to have when everything in life seems to be going wrong. If you find yourself in a situation where it feels like everything is going wrong, and you can’t find inner peace, don’t panic. That’s actually a challenge that all of us face once in a while. Instead, try to relax and remind yourself that even if things seem like they are out of your control, maybe it’s because this is the path we were meant to take.

How can you find happiness when it seems like everything is going wrong?

For those who’ve been through devasting life events, life often takes a sudden turn for the absolute worst. It’s hard to remember a time when you were happy and optimistic when all you can think about is the horrors that you were forced to witness firsthand. Shock and confusion are the first reactions that we experience after a devastating event. There is only one question that goes through your head now, and that is why me?

When you have anxiety, it can feel like the whole world is against you. But it’s really not the entire world, but one aspect of your life that’s causing the problem. This is a significant perspective shift to make since it narrows the issue to a manageable size. 

A traumatic event can have a negative impact on your life. However, how you interpret it and how you react to that event will determine how you feel. You have the power to make this worse or better. The way you talk to yourself and interpret the events in your life determines how much emotional pain you will experience. You can choose to see life events as problems or as a way to grow and learn from them.

When I hear about devasting events, how do I maintain inner peace?

In the news, we rarely hear of happy stories, those stories where people do good works or are helping others. Instead, we hear of the divisions in society, wars around the globe, riots, and murders. How can we maintain our inner peace when so much wrong is happening around us which we can’t control?

One way is to relinquish unnecessary control, whether it’s over yourself or other people. In preserving your inner peace, you have to accept what comes, especially when it’s from sources you can’t predict or control. Focus your perspective on those things you do have control over, such as your feelings and actions. Do what you can do, what you can’t do, or what is out of your control; you need to let it go. Holding on to what I can’t control will only produce anxiety because I can’t change it. 

Focus on the positives in life

When things are going wrong, it’s hard to recognize what is going right. It’s easy to screen out the good stuff and only focus on the wrong things. Remind yourself that some things are going right. Purposely look for the positive, even if it is something minimal.

You get what you look for. In other words, if your perspective is focused on the negatives in life, then all you will experience are the negatives. Yet, focusing our perspective on the positives, even the smallest of positives, will help you to see more positives around you. 

Here are perspective shifts you can do … 

1. This Too Shall Pass

2. Some Things are Going Right

3. I Have Some Control

4. I Can Ask for Help

5. I Have Overcome Past Difficulties

Here are positive thoughts you can work on …

1. Be Thankful You Woke up This Morning

2. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

3. Don’t Judge Others

4. Take Control of Your Mornings

5. Focus on the Good Things in Your Life No Matter How Small

6. Look at the Funny Side

Inner peace will stay with you so long as you remain focused on thoughts and behaviors which enable inner peace. 

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