
understand addiction

How To Understand Addiction And Find Inner Peace

By Chris Shea | May 6, 2022

To understand addiction is a complex condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Many of us struggle with addiction at some point in our lives. Understanding addiction as a disease that is treatable gives us a sense of inner peace, even if we don’t fully understand why it happens. This article explores the disease concept…

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mental peace times of crisis

Being Hopeful For Mental Peace: Is it possible in Times of Crisis?

By Chris Shea | March 19, 2022

How to CARE and COPE at the same time? Mental peace is something that everyone wants. Unfortunately, it seems that we don’t always get it. In times of crisis, we tend to become anxious or depressed. What can we do to achieve mental peace? Optimism is what I strive for in life. However, I think…

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news consumption

How To Create A News Consumption Strategy For Mental Peace

By Chris Shea | March 6, 2022

Inner peace and contentment are possible, no matter what happens in the world around us. Of course, we can’t control everything that goes on, but we can control our own reactions and how we let the news affect us. Now more than ever, you need to stay informed about what is happening in the world.…

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holiday season find peace of mind

How To Find Peace Of Mind During The Holiday Season

By Chris Shea | December 20, 2021

There’s no denying that the holidays can be stressful, taking away our peace of mind. Whether it’s family gatherings, shopping for gifts, or planning parties, there are plenty of things to worry about. This article covers the ways that you can find peace of mind during this busy holiday season. This is the time of…

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holiday season find peace of mind

How To Help Others Find Peace Of Mind While Coping With The Holiday Season Blues

By Chris Shea | December 12, 2021

“If one were to devise an experimental set of circumstances which would test the integrity of an individual’s mood control, one would invent the year-end holiday season.” Jonathan Himmelhoch (Psychiatrist, Western Psychiatric Institute, and Clinic) If you are feeling down during the holiday season, there’s no need to worry. There are ways to cope with…

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find your peace Thanksgiving

Find Your Peace On Thanksgiving? Learn How To Find Peace of Mind

By Chris Shea | November 24, 2021

“Don’t spoil what you have by desiring what you don’t have; but remember that what you now have was once among the things only hoped for.” —Epicurus Find your peace on Thanksgiving? Is that even possible given the chaos, all that needs to be done, and family gatherings? Yes, finding your peace is possible. Let’s…

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inner peace happiness

inner peace: how to have it when life feels devastating

By Chris Shea | June 23, 2021

Inner peace can be difficult to have when everything in life seems to be going wrong. If you find yourself in a situation where it feels like everything is going wrong, and you can’t find inner peace, don’t panic. That’s actually a challenge that all of us face once in a while. Instead, try to…

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hope inner peace

How to Keep Your Inner Peace and Hope in Today’s World

By Chris Shea | May 26, 2021

Finding hope and inner peace in life is not always an easy task. Still, a hopeless life can be gloomy, depressed, and anxious. In this article, I write about ways to find hope in life, thus happiness and inner peace. It is essential to find and sustain hope in order to lead a happy and…

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Anxious about reentering society COVID-19

Anxious About Reentering Society After The Pandemic? Here’s Your How To Guide

By Chris Shea | May 18, 2021

Anxious feelings are understandable when returning to everyday life after the pandemic. There will be a process of readjustment. There are bound to be thoughts or worries about the changes that are happening in your life. It is natural for people to want to stay in their comfort zone. Entering the unknown is what causes…

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happiness happy

Why Happiness is So Important for Your Health and Wellness

By Chris Shea | May 4, 2021

Happiness has more importance than just feeling good. Happiness is also essential to your health, longevity, success, and relationships. This is all proven by research and science. Happiness is healthy!   We’re seeking something more out of life, and happiness is what we think will solve our issues. Yet happiness comes and goes; it’s a fleeting…

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