Rest Stop (Good Friday) … love
Love; the complete and selfless giving for another; a desire to allow the other to shine and to grow. On this day, Good Friday, Christians recall Jesus, who out of love, willingly gave Himself to suffer and to die so that we may shine and grow. Jesus, the night before, agonized and prayed over this decision of suffering and dying, hoping for another way to carry out our salvation. But in the end, in response to the message Jesus hears in prayer, He says “not my will, but Your will be done.” In trust, faith and love Jesus freely suffers and dies for us.
How do we express love for others? Do we, in faith, trust enough to share our love? When we are suffering and find life difficult, in faith do we turn to Jesus who not only suffered, but who also found life’s situations difficult to endure?
Today, in faith and trust, knowing that Jesus understands what it’s like to make difficult decisions, to suffer, to feel physical and emotional pain, and to love, do we turn to Him in prayer and ask for guidance, for strength, for hope, for peace, for …..
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